Trust is Everything

Trust is Everything

I’ve long admired Gary Vaynerchuk. I’ve read his books, watched his video blogs, accepted his wine recommendations and employed his wisdom to enhance my career. I find that he fires arrows of truth that always seem to hit the bullseye. I’ve also had a long history of success based on empowering others, so this particular quote speaks volumes to me. In business and in life, TRUST is central to everything. When you don’t have it, it is possible to plod along, but you’ll never be great or greater. We’ve all felt the moral-eroding sting of marginalization at one point or another. I think we can also all agree that trust and empowerment form a more potent strategy for success than the antithesis.

So, like Gary says, “surround yourself with people that give you permission to take risks”, and as usual he drops the arrow right in the heart of the target.



In my line of work, we spend a lot of time communicating about influencers and thought leaders. I can honestly say that Dr. Seuss and his books have made a profound effect on the me and the way I think. There are so many quotes of his that are just plain spot on, but this one holds a place so near and dear to my heart. Does approaching the world stoically get serious results? Obviously, I don’t think so. Go ahead and dream a little, do things that put a smile on your face. In the end, you’ll be better for it. Thanks Dr Seuss!